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Why Canada Life Group Retirement Services?

Your clients want to make sure their employees are on track to meet their financial goals. When you partner with us, you help them meet that need.

The strength of Canada Life and its subsidiaries creates a unique presence in the group retirement and savings plans marketplace. This allows us to provide you with innovative product solutions, and means our service and support are unparalleled.

Quick facts

  • Twice as many plans for small businesses as any other provider in Canada
  • Over $55 billion in assets under administration
  • Over 24,000 group retirement and savings plans administered
  • Over 1.3 million plan members
  • 12 offices across Canada

Learn more about our products and services

Find a contact

All statistical data updated as at Dec 31, 2018.

  • Build your business with confidence

    Expand your client base and increase your income by working in the group retirement and savings plan market.

    Build your business with confidence (PDF)

  • Financial strength and stability

    With Great-West Life, plan sponsors can take comfort knowing that their employees’ retirement savings are safe and secure.

    Great-West Lifeco Financial Strength (PDF)

  • Meet small business needs with Performers

    Meet small business needs with Performers

    Performers helps small business owners offer their employees retirement savings plans. It’s a turnkey solution with the features sponsors look for:

    • Easy to set up and manage
    • Affordable
    • Minimal administration work

    Learn more

    We’re here to help. Please contact us by email for help with: 

    • New sales
    • Adding new plans for an existing plan sponsor
    • Making plan design changes to an existing Performers plan
    • Ordering member enrolment guides for initial plan implementation

    Note: If a client has over 35 employees, contact your local Canada Life Account Executive for information on the plans available for them.